Mar 6, 2012


Hi guys!

Sometimes (actually, all the time) I just kinda blank on a title for each post. Hence the strange, unrelated, one word, generic titles that sprout up here on the occasion. So...sorry!

Today was absolutely awesome! I finally got to skype with the boy again, after days of separation (that somehow felt like even more of a separation than previous). He had a wedding but I'm glad he's back in a wifi-friendly zone where we can see/talk to each other again. So excited for his visit!

I set off to hand out some resumes, got a bit discouraged when nowhere was hiring. There's a cafe on my street that looks so cool and hip and 'down with the kids' and all that jazz. I got cold feet about dropping my resume there until I noticed they had a sign in the window asking for experienced staff so, stepping through the door, one thing led to another and bada-bing bada-boom, I have a job! Er, another job! I'm guarantee 20 hours a week so this last one definitely takes precedence over the last 2. I start next Saturday so I can still go away this weekend.

Oh ya! Not sure if I told you but I'm going away for this (long) weekend, with friends to a beach house. I'm so excited! Diogo was trying to convince me, I was humming and hawing, we hung up and literally within 5 minutes I caved, and now I'm so excited! It's starting to get cold here, especially at night, so one last chance for beach-y, summer-y awesomeness is in order.

I started two of my other classes and love them! I'm on a knowledge high, well, actually, I didn't even really learn anything substantial but just being back in an academic environment is so exciting and refreshing! I met some really cool people, including Chris from Calgary who's working at lululemon here. We discovered we have a couple people in common, through lululemon and he invited me to a yoga flash mob.....!!!! Like, what is that even??? Obviously I'm in and I'll let you in on what exactly that entails asap!

love you!

ps. this type of fence is EVERYWHERE! that's something a little unusual I've noticed here, that every single house has a fence of some type, the majority being the kind pictured above. Very territorial, these Aussies........

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