I really should have taken photos but the pancakes were just so burnt, I almost didn't want proof haha. Yesterday was the 6-month mark into Henry and my relationship so we planned a cross-oceans date consisting of a pancake feast and a movie. It's crazy with computers, we can both be on skype together AND watching a movie, talking to each other throughout the film, laughing together, all that good stuff. I got the flour and eggs and baking powder Saturday, in preparation of some epic pancakes. It all started pretty well, everything mixing together nicely and then, for some reason, I thought to check the best before date on the eggs and the day was March 8!!! Eww! I had already put one egg into the batter and had cut up my last apple so I decided to just take a chance. I was pretty bummed though, because I had bought the eggs just ONE day before, meaning that the store was selling cartons that were over 2 weeks past it's best by. I got a little paranoid and checked the best before on the flour and baking powder too. The baking powder was fine, marked for Valentine's day 2014 but the flour was already a MONTH past it's best by! I googled that and found a forum talking about 'flour weavils', I highly recommend googling it if you've ever considered using old flour. Pretty nasty stuff! At this point I felt defeated but, since the eggs had smelled and looked fine and the flour was weavil-free, I figured I might as well go forth with the cooking and see what happened.
Burnt pancakes is what happened. I ate about half of one pancake, out of a batch of about 6 and they tasted terrible even with the burnt parts scraped off. I think the main culprit was my laissez-faire measuring style in regards to the baking powder. Waaaaaaaaaay too much, giving the pancakes this terrible, metallic and zingy after taste.
Though the pancakes were a bit of a flop, the rest of the date was PERFECT! Well, as perfect as cross-ocean dates can be. Less than 5 weeks til Henry's here. We started watching Spirited Away but were both too tired to finish it, meaning a follow up movie date is just around the corner-yay!
This weekend was crazy busy, working at terribly early hours, going out with Eliza and the ladies, (kind of) doing homework, y'know, the regular. I'm off to see 'My Week with Marilyn' tonight with Eliza after cheerleading. And tomorrow morning, hot yoga adventures, followed by a very long day of classes, followed by a necessarily long evening of homework catch up.
Love you guys!
ps. finally got to skype with mom and breezy last night (hi you two!) after their trip to cuba, it was so awesome! It's hard to explain but somehow not 'seeing' them on skype that stretch of time made them seem even farther away.
awwww! well we're back together again :)