Feb 16, 2012

New Place, New Bike, New Life

G'day y'all!
I am typing this to you in my new home, a room that still feels very new and un-amye but shows great potential for becoming my space. I moved in yesterday and spent the better part of the day scouring opp shops (after I scoured the net FOR opp shops), getting groceries and spending way too long deliberating over pillows in this store 'Big W'. It's an aussie department store, an affiliate of Woolworths, the grocery giant, and it's stocked with EVERYTHING (think Walmart).

My room is so hilarious! The whole building is just so old-ladyish, I feel like I've fast-forwarded 60 years and am living in a retirement home. But it's nice and sweet and feels very home-y, what with the flowered curtains and china cabinets everywhere. Oh! And an abundance of fake flowers. I've never truly understood the appeal of living amongst plastic and fabric that's attempting to be something natural and alive. Here, it truly suits the decor. I think the next big project is attempting to find bright curtains, or even just normal curtains, anything that isn't dating back to the nineties.

Other than cultivating my living space into something more appropriate for a 20-something year old, I have also acquired a bicycle! My life is practically complete now. I picked it up earlier this afternoon and leisurely test drove it all the way home-it's GREAT! Adelaide is so bike-friendly, there are separate lines on every major road and cars ACTUALLY obey these lanes and give cyclists respect-so refreshing! Helmets are legally mandatory as well so, no need to worry Mom and Dad! My noggin is well protected! I stopped off at a bike place on my route back and bought head light, tail light and a lock so I'm ready for anything!

My new life is going well, I'm really excited to start classes (Ha! Bet I won't be feeling so enthusiastic one month from now). I've planned a day at the beach tomorrow, Glenelg looks to be about a half hour bike ride from my home which is exceptionally awesome news! Tomorrow night I've been so kindly invited to a house warming party (denim theme=awesome!), I'll be sure to tell you all about it!

Love you and miss you!

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