Feb 29, 2012


There is an EPIC store on Rundle Mall (that's a street name, believe it or not. caused much confusion when I was looking for THE rundle "mall", only to realize I had been walking on it for the better part of an hour) called Smiggle! I stumbled upon it on aforementioned rundle mall stroll and was so delighted with it's range of colourful, playful and adorable creations that I went back for a second time the very next day. They are based out of Australia, have stores in Singapore too, but sadly have not made their way further west (actually I guess the correct term would be East, although everyone just refers to North America as "west", regardless of their geographical location, that I figured west would make more sense).


Behold, my new notebooks, sure to motivate me in all scholarly endeavors:

I also bought a calendar....for only $1.95! I've had to make do with ripping the pages out and taping it to my wall, since nails and other pointy objects are not permitted to be pushed (or hammered) into my room's walls:

Happy last day of February! Oh! And a LEAP DAY!!!!
What will you do with your extra day?
(I spent mine lazing in bed, reading blogs, and just being all around self-indulgent)

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